Watercolor Painting
Summer 2024
Ronald Pratt
Rossmoor Gateway Complex, Painting Studio 1
When summer comes around with those long, warm, sunny days that means its watercolor painting time. There is plenty of time to spend outdoors looking for subjects that inspire you. There are plenty of long, sunny days in which to find a comfortable place to set your supplies up and leave them there to remind you to paint regularly. There are simply no excuses not to paint.
To help jump start your painting, The Rossmoor Art Association is offering a watercolor painting class at the Activity Center on Thursday Mornings designed for you. The focus of this class is to motivate you paint and teach the fundamentals of painting. You will be given step by step demonstrations of watercolor painting to inspire you in a friendly atmosphere that will encourage you to explore your own individual creativity. Subject matter will include a spring garden scene, birds, coastal redwoods, and a vineyard scene.
This watercolor painting class will be at the Rossmoor Gateway Complex, Painting Studio 1 on Thursday Mornings from 9 am to 11:30 am. This 10 week class will run from June 13th to August 22nd at a cost of $150. For Non-Rossmoor Residents the class fee is $170. Priority will be given to Rossmoor Residents. Suggested materials will be discussed at the first class.
To register go to the Rossmoor Art Association Website and click on classes on the header bar. Scroll down until you come to Beginning/Intermediate Watercolor Painting with Ron Pratt and follow the instructions to enroll. The class maximum is 20 students due to space limitations so get your registration in to reserve your seat in the class.
To see Ronald’s Watercolors go to Please direct questions to Ronald at or call him at (510) 366-7740. Further information on all RAA activities can be found at
Begin/Inter Watercolor Painting with Ron Pratt_Thurs 9-11:30 am_ 6/13 to 8/22_ Studio 1
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